Theoretical Perspective

The present study is based on farming theory. This theory examines how the media affects the perception of reality. This theory suggests that the more a person is exposed to the media, the more a person begins to believe that what is revealed is normal or real (Cohen & Women, 2000). G. Garbner et al., 1994). Farming theory even suggests that substantial exposure to certain sexual theories will lead men to adopt such theories (Ward, 2011). It may be that musicians create a deceptive fact about the potential negative effects of sexual activity and engaging in dangerous sexual behavior, on the basis of which they attribute such behavior to their guitar content (Balance, Rock, & Van, 2012). I confirm. If this is the case, then the audience is more likely to make decisions, adopt a thought process, and behave similarly to the material in the lyrics (Noblek - Westerwick, Masto, & Shaw, 2008; Cohen, 1969; 1983). ) lyricswoow


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