Sad Songs
I’d like to take a moment to acknowledge the benefit of sad songs. As long as these songs don’t lead to rumination, they can be helpful to over all well-being. In fact, sad song lyrics can sometimes bring about pleasant feelings. This happens when a listener feels understood by an artist (Saarikallio & Erkkilä, 2007). As positive Psychology’s intention is not to ignore or diminish the negative or difficult emotions, the same is true with the suggestion that positive 13 psychology and lyrics should team up. There is a definite time and place for songs that speak to the pain and suffering of the human condition, as there is a time and place to put your hands up and act like you just don’t care. What I am arguing is that we could have fewer songs that contradict well-being and more songs that support well-being. Sad songs of heartbreak don’t counter well-being in my opinion. They are valuable for the person who doesn’t want to feel alone in their difficult time or for the person who cannot express what they are going through, they feel understood (Saarikallio & Erkkiliä, 2007). Many studies have found the influence music has on emotions. These studies are fairly well balanced, showing that music is a tool that can positively or negatively affect mood. Most of the studies on lyrics reflect the negative impact lyrics can have; for example, inducing rumination about negative messages (Zullow, 1991) and life destructive messages (Fedler et. al., 1982). This is a problem because as psychology has taken a disease model, I fear that the study of lyrics will do the same. Lyric are a tool just as music is, and when partnered with positive psychology, can make a positive impact on the hundreds and thousands of people who listen to lyricswoow
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