Future Research

 There are research initiatives that can use the tools they currently have and shift focus to research music and lyricswoow. For example, The World Well-Being Project measures psychological and medical well-being based on language in social media (“WWB”, n.d.) They have found that word used in social media have an effect on well-being. It would be another possible way to research the effects of lyrics and music. The same goes for words we hear on the radio and Spotify instead of words written on Facebook and Twitter. The world well-being project hopes “that their insights and analyses will help individuals, organizations, and governments choose actions and policies that are not just in the best economic interest of the people or companies, but which truly improve their well-being” (“WWB”, n.d.) It is my hope that positive music can do the same. By spreading awareness, in a similar way to the World Well-Being Project, but also through artist and audience participation we can encourage people to choose what enhances their own well-being and the well-being of others. If we can link lyrics on Spotify and songs on the radio, we could use a similar approach for awareness. When listeners know the impact lyrics could potentially have on them they might choose their stations more carefully. Film executive, Lindsay Durahn, is an advocate for mood-elevating movies. She has used Martin Seligman’s PERMA lens for film (Rickey, 2012). She is now encouraging the industry to write, as well as produce more mood-elevating scripts (2012.) It would be interesting to bring this to the music industry. Simply bringing PERMA to the awareness of artists and encouraging them to write songs with this in mind could bring about more music that enhances well-being. It wouldn’t be enough to just involve the listener, writers, and artists; the whole industry would need to be involved. The literature would need to be spread from choreographers to music video


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