In today's music, most of the songs have some kind of sexual reference. Music lyricswoow

The industry today is almost booming over sex because the common saying "sell sex" certainly applies. From

It's hard to avoid the effects of music videos, sexually explicit songs on Internet videos.

Previous research has estimated that both adolescents and young adults listen to music.

And four hours a day (Ago Ovio and Robertson, 2010 Pri Premik, Nozo, Rice, and Sergeant, 2012).

However, with all this exposure to sexual content in music, it is not clear how this definitely affects it.

Emerging adult sexual feelings. The purpose of the study was to test sex

Content about listeners' views on today's music and its sexuality. It was speculated

That men and women who listen to sexually explicit songs show sex

Perceptions that are more open to sex and at the same time more closely follow stereotypes.

For the purposes of this study, sexual, sexual content refers to anything related to sexual activity

Direct or indirect, or emphasis on dress.


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